Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages
Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

The protagonist of Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino, lives as an ordinary middle school girl until she is found by a talking cat named Luna. Through Luna, Usagi learns that the world is about to be attacked by a Dark Kingdom that had appeared once before, long ago, and destroyed the kingdom of the moon. Her dormant powers are then awakened to defend the Earth against the coming onslaught, and she is led to a number of friends who join her in the battle.

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages
Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Usagi fights using the identity of Sailor Moon, and as the story progresses she learns more and more about the enemies which face her and the evil force that is sending them. Gradually she discovers the truth about her own past life, her destined true love, and the possibilities for the future of the Solar System.

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages
The story of the various metaseries revolves around the reincarnated defenders of a kingdom that once spanned the solar system, and around the evil forces that they battle. The major characters—the Sailor Senshi (literally "Sailor Soldiers"; frequently called "Sailor Scouts" in many Western versions), teenage girls—can transform into heroines named for the moon and planets (Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, etc). The use of "Sailor" comes from a style of girls' school uniform popular in Japan, the sērā fuku (sailor outfit), after which the Senshi's uniforms are modeled. The elements of fantasy in the series are heavily symbolic and often based on mythology.
Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages

Sailor Moon Coloring Pages
Sailor Moon Coloring Pages
