Modern Dads Play A Vital Role In Kids' Lives: A new generation of men are redefining fatherhood and masculinity.
According to census figures, one in four dads takes care of his preschooler during the time the mother is working. The number of children who are raised by a primary-care father is more than 2 million and rising. And fathers who work full time are more involved in their children's lives. According to the Families and Work Institute in New York City, dads now provide up to three-fourths of the child care mothers do, up from one-half 30 years ago.
Modern Dads
According to census figures, one in four dads takes care of his preschooler during the time the mother is working. The number of children who are raised by a primary-care father is more than 2 million and rising. And fathers who work full time are more involved in their children's lives. According to the Families and Work Institute in New York City, dads now provide up to three-fourths of the child care mothers do, up from one-half 30 years ago.
Modern Dads
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