Sudoku For Kids! Kids can now enjoy the Sudoku craze too!

Sudoku For Kids!

We are thrilled to be adding a section on Sudoku For Kids to Activity Village's puzzle pages. Adults all over the country are going mad over Sudoku, and there is no reason that kids can't test their logic skills and try to solve our printable Sudoku puzzles too. (NB Adults - if you haven't tried Sudoku yet, we suggest you try one of our easy puzzles yourself and explore the links on the page for hints and tips on how to solve it. Then you can try a puzzle together with your kids, explaining the different logic techniques and making sure they don't resort to guessing, which should not be necessary!) Kids as young as 7 and 8 could give it a try; 9 and 10 year olds will definitely enjoy the challenge. We will be adding more Sudoku puzzles regularly!
